Garden Plot
Click below to download and print our garden plot application. Please fill out and return the application to the store. After turning in your application you will receive your garden plot number and gift card. There are also applications available to fill out in store.
2023 Garden Plot Information.
Plots are located on South 42nd St.
If you have any questions or concerns please call 701-746-7777.

Garden plots are 22’ x 40’. 2’ is for a walkway on the south side of each plot. Do not plant close to the numbered stake to allow for cultivating.

Your garden plot is to the SOUTH of your numbered stake.

Fertilizer has been incorporated into the soil.

Please refrain from using twine to outline your garden, it gets caught in equipment.

All garden rows run north and south. Do not shade your neighbors’ garden.

Trenching is not allowed.

Humus can be dumped in the middle of the roadways. We will pick it up.

Dumpster provided for all plastic, disposable gloves, wire, paper and glass. No Vegetation Please!

Weed your plot all the way to the road & edges.

It is your responsibility to make sure your garden is clear of weeds. If your garden plot becomes weedy, we will give one warning. If it remains weedy, it will be tilled. Sorry!

Do not drive on wet roadways.

Garden hose connections are on the fence post. If you use your neighbor’s hose, put it back where you got it. Leave the hose running, then shut the water off by the fence post. This way the hot water will not rupture the hose. Replacement rubber gaskets or o-rings will be by the cleanup water spicket.

Call All Seasons at 701-746-7777 if you see any water leaks.

Do not pull garden hoses over your neighbors’ garden.

Use a low pressure water breaker over the rows. A pressure nozzle will compact the soil. Do not use sprinklers. Be mindful of your water usage. Make sure all hoses are off when you leave.

If you are the last person there at night, turn the water off on the stand pipe.

October 10th is the final day of gardening. There will be a $50.00 fee if we have to clean hard goods up, dig out sunflower stalks or cornstalks.

Only use chemicals that are registered for edible plants.

Do not enter or walk over other people’s gardens.

NEVER remove produce from someone else’s plot!